
Re: Need Your Response Only If You Are Interested.

My Dear friend,

My name is Dr. Frank Joseph i am a retired banker of international commercial bank in ghana west africa,i do not want problems but i just hope you can assist me.i write you this letter in good faith, i have a transaction of four million five hundred and twenty thousand us dollar:($4,520,000.00 usd).

I realized this fund from bank excess profit after trading with the capital sum and i deposited the funds in escrow call account; where nobody will have access to it; even the bank does not have access to this account because it cannot be deducted; until after the transfer.finally i did not declare this fund to the bank before my retirement.

I am contacting you, to stand as the beneficiary of this fund because only a foreigner can stand as the beneficiary,can i trust you to hold this money for me until i come over to your country? after the transfer, i will give you 30% of the money as your commission.if you accept my offer, but if you do not accept this offer kindly forget that i contacted you,

All i need is for you to get a good current account where this fund can be transferred into and for you to stand as the beneficiary of the said amount; within three days the funds will be transferred to your designated bank account,there are practically no risks involved; it will be a bank-to-bank transfer.

I hope you understand my situation, i am critically ill that is why i contacted you to finalize this transaction to enable me have a very good treatment.

May God bless you and your family.

I wait your urgent reply

Best regards,
Dr. Frank Joseph.


Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436 H

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436 H

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Kami dari segenap tim KerjaDulu mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436 H, Minal 'Aidin wal-Faizin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.

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Lowongan Estimator

Dear Team KerjaDulu

Mohon untuk penayangan iklan lowongan dibawah ini:


PT Levardi Global Kreasindo

Membutuhkan Estimator

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  1. Melakukan estimasi dan membuat rencana anggaran biaya proyek

  2. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang interior design, arsitektural detail dan material

  3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik terhadap biaya, mutu dan kualitas material


  1. Minimal SMK / PIKA

  2. Mampu membuat RAB

  3. Mengerti konstruksi furnitur

  4. Mengerti material & aksesoris furnitur

  5. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun

  6. Teliti dan jujur

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui email levardi.interior@gmail.com menyertakan CV, Surat Lamaran, foto terbaru, dan data pendukung lainnya. Besar file maksimal 1 MB di subject email ditulis 'Melamar Estimator'



Levardi Design Studio

Horizon Broadway M6/5

The ICON, BSD City Tangerang


Terima Kasih,


PT. Levardi Global Kreasindo - Levardi Interior
Jln. Horizon Broadway M6/No.5 The Icon, BSD City Tangerang
Telp: 021-50554974  Email: levardi.interior@gmail.com

Lowongan kerja Kasir/Admin


PT. Levardi Global Kreasindo - Levardi Interior
Jln. Horizon Broadway M6/No.5 The Icon, BSD City Tangerang
Telp: 021-50554974  Email: levardi.interior@gmail.com